BRAVISlaw offers lawyers, tax consultants and auditors a DS-GVO compliant video conferencing technology that guarantees the legal obligation of secrecy. BRAVISlaw offers notaries a secure communication with the client which fulfills their official duty to implement the DS-GVO.
The access to the video conference for the client can be easily installed with two clicks.
BRAVISlaw enables conferences with up to 16 participants without the system of secure and authenticated communication suffering. BRAVISlaw is also suitable for the communication in court proceedings as well as for meetings within authorities and institutions.
Please contact us for further information:
Head of the business unit:
Ulf Schönenberg-Wessel
Lehmberg 9
24103 Kiel
Phone: 0431 / 7197590-0
Fax: 0431 / 7197590-2
BRAVISlaw is characterized by a unique security structure, end-to-end encryption and the authentication of the conversation partner. The interlocutor can rely on the fact that the communication data can neither be tapped on a communication server nor that an unauthorized third party can gain access to the video conference unnoticed. At the same time, the conversation partners can exchange encrypted and secure data and documents. BRAVISlaw is characterized by the fact that the communication takes place exclusively between the computers of the participants and therefore no communication server is necessary.
The clearly structured and intuitive user interface – without any “frills” – allows an effective work with BRAVISlaw.
The once established communication channel remains until the host deletes it, so that even short-term video conferences are possible without having to register a conference. The conversation partner, who does not have to have a BRAVISlaw license himself, can install the communication tool on his end device (PC; mobile phone, tablet, …) with two clicks and thus enjoys the highest flexibility.
BRAVISlaw contains the possibility to share the screen or parts of the screen with the conversation partner so that a common work on the document is possible.
The specifications of the DS-GVO for secure communication (end-to-end encryption, peer-to-peer communication, and authentication) are fulfilled by BRAVISlaw. The unique structure of this German quality software guarantees highest security for the user without limiting the comfort of communication.
Confidence in the confidentiality of the lawyer/notary are the cornerstones of the client relationship. The content of the video conference is as protected and secure by BRAVISlaw as the talks on site are. The video conference is protected by the peer-to-peer communication against third parties accessing the data. The authentication guarantees that no unauthorized third party enters the video conference unnoticed.
Due to its structure, BRAVISlaw – Inhouse is especially suitable as a communication tool within (international) law firms.
Tax advice is a matter of trust. This trust in the confidentiality of client communication is guaranteed by the unique structure of BRAVISlaw. The secure communication between consultant and client is supplemented by the secure exchange of data. Due to the peer-to-peer communication, the client can transfer even the most sensitive data digitally to his consultant.
BRAVISlaw – Inhouse opens a secure, location-independent communication within the law firm and also within individual consulting teams so that all competencies of the law firm can be used effectively regardless of location.
BRAVISlaw is the effective next step in the digitalization of administration and courts. With BRAVISlaw, for the first time a software is available that enables a secure communication within the institution and with the citizens.
The unique security structure of BRAVISlaw allows video conferences even for topics that are classified as strictly confidential or secret, since unauthorized access by third parties is impossible.
BRAVISlaw – Inhouse offers the appropriate software solutions for the communication within the institution and also for oral hearings or hearings by courts.